Sunday, December 30, 2018

Carry This Into This New Year-- Another Poem

Here are some things
To remember for
Because 2018 hit hard 
And taught much:

There are going to be times
When you feel so fragile
That a light breeze
Would send spiderweb cracks
like veins under your skin
Like you won't survive 
Until 2020

And then there will be times
When you are so strong
Holding everything together
Standing as tall as a mountain
Brushing aside problems
like an avalanche of rocks
Like you are the reason
You'll survive until

There are going to be times 
You'll feel endless, infinite 
Like the universe
Like the ocean

And times when you feel
Like a blank, white
Sheet of paper

Embrace them as they come
Feel them
Do not fear them--

Or rather, do fear them
Because fear is 
(Like these feelings, these times)
Part of being human
Embrace it, welcome being human
Feel it and

Fall in love with the human state
With messy hair and uncontrollable yawns
With awkward blushes and the little gestures
Biting nails and rubbing the palm of your hand
With wind blowing straight through you
And watching stars in other people's eyes

Make your life beautiful
By finding the beauty
And loving it and preserving it
And with a beautiful life
Comes a beautiful you.

New Year's Resolution-- A Poem

This year
I promise, I resolve
To create to avoid
To open up
And fearlessly share
To fully write from my heart
And stop hiding from the things
That scare me to write
To stop hiding from 
My insecurities, anxieties, fears
And share
And share
And share
To take care of myself again
To heal 
And write
To create to avoid
I promise, I resolve
This year

Happy New Years to my readers-- I wish you the best!