Sunday, January 14, 2018

A Rededication, A New Name, And A Brand-New Introduction

Hello beloved readers!

 I basically abandoned this blog for awhile. I guess I eventually stopped being 'crafty' and focused mostly on drawing, and therefore I didn't really have any 'creations' to show off.
Well, now I'm rededicating this blog. I've renamed it from "Creations By Kaytie" to "The Writer Artist Nerd". I'll be putting anything from random ramblings and/or thoughts to short stories to poetry to art tutorials to writing tips on this blog. I'm keeping the old posts, but from this post hereafter, it's going to be something brand-new. Also, I'm going to really try to keep up with posting here. My goal is to post something new every weekend.

 A lot has changed since I began this blog. I re-read the old "Introducing Myself" post and decided I should re-introduce myself since a whole lot of things are different.
My name is Kaytie Hoggard. I'm a Marvel nerd, writer, artist, creator of superheroes, listener of music, and reader of books.
--I'm a Marvel nerd: I and two of my best friends are huge Marvel enthusiasts. Every time a new movie comes out, we go see it together. I sit next to my bestie Steph always, and we squeeze each other's hands with as much pressure needed whenever we're fangirling over something that happened. I've dozens of headcanons and own, at this given moment, five Funko Pops (Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch, Thor, Vision, and SpiderMan). Add that to shirts, books, fangirl moments, and fanfics, and you get the Marvel fangirl side of me. (Plus all the actor crushes. I cannot get over Sebastion Stan's face. Or Tom Hiddleston, just, in general.)
--A writer: I have finally, after about twenty-five thousand (maybe not that many, but you get the point) drafts and re-writes, completed the manuscript for Story Of A Hero, a brand-new superhero story. I'm currently editing and once I'm done with that, I'm going to work on publishing it while I start on the next book. More about the main character of that book later. I also am working on a couple unrelated books, one of them a horror story for a good friend of mine (although it's not working out that well) and the other one a love story. It's sort of a toss-up as to if I'm going to finish them or not, and after that, if they'll be good enough to publish. But hopefully, I'll soon be able to call myself a 'published author'.
--An artist: It took me awhile to really 'settle down' into a particular art form (and even now I'm not sure that's where I am) but now I've really worked on and improved with drawing. I can look at a drawing I did a month ago and it'll be very different from something I just drew. I post almost all of my art on Facebook for my friends and family to enjoy. A lot of my drawings are of the two main characters of my book (because they are two of my favorite people ever). Recently, I've started working with markers, mostly because I actually have some now after Christmas. I've used Youtube and various drawing books to teach myself art. Soon, maybe, I'll be good enough to sell my art.
--Creator of superheroes: Below, after the art pictures, I'll put the basic profiles of my two main superheroes, Clair and Will. And yes, they are love interests (which was not part of the original plan but happened anyway). These two are my own children and I love them. They were originally Marvel OC's, but then Marvel seriously messed up my timeline when they released Civil War so I pulled them out (and then realized it was actually better this way). Clair's been through a lot but she's a gem. Will is slightly less developed but still amazing. I actually based Clair off of myself originally, so she's very near and dear to my heart. Will, slightly less so, but he still has certain qualities from myself. And before I get judged for being all prideful and basically making myself a superhero, it's really not like that at all. Clair's got all my flaws that I hate and she has all the qualities that I like about myself. She's my method of expressing myself. She is how I discover things about myself. She is how I can say "Look, this is something you don't know about me yet, isn't it cool?"
--Listener of music: To be honest, I don't know what kind of person I'd be without music. I listen to a bunch of 'indie pop' bands like Of Monsters And Men, Lifehouse, Owl City, and most recently (like, I've just now discovered them) a band called Daughter. I also dabble in TobyMac and Hawk Nelson, occasionally. I love dancing to Lindsey Stirling and have choreographed several one-person "ballets" to her songs, which I have not shared with people in general yet but might soon.
--And reader of books: Brandon Mull is the best author. Bottom line. But also near the top of the list are John Flanagan (Ranger's Apprentice), Eoin Colfer (Artemis Fowl and Half Moon Investigations), Wendy Mass, and Tui. T. Sutherland (Wings Of Fire series). Books are just as much a part of my life as music is. They're always in the background, no matter what kind of crazy is going on. I can always hide behind a book and a pair of earbuds when I want to. I can shut my brain off and relax completely just by listening to music and reading. Seriously, it's amazing.

And now, the previously promised profiles:

Superhero Profile: Clair Fury

Name: Clair Fury
Relations: James Eagle (adoptive father)
Superpowers: Nine-inch steel-alloy claws similar to Wolverine's, and the ability to shoot a sticky substance similar to Spider-Man's webs.
Physical Description: Auburn hair, pale skin, blue eyes
Height: 5'2
Personality: She's headstrong and independent. She's used to figuring things out on her own. She often lies to make people not worry about her. She's not afraid to question orders that she doesn't agree with or that don't make sense to her. She's sometimes sarcastic but generally says what she means. She likes making people laugh but doesn't seem to find many opportunities to do so. She tries to break free of cliches. If something's impossible, she immediately wants to do it. She's very protective of the people she loves. She has a way with people that makes them trust her and open up to her. She tends to try to run away from her problems.

Superhero Profile: Will Helado
Name: William Helado
Relations: Unknown
Superpowers: Can control temperature, make things hotter or colder. He can also shoot ice or fire out of his hands at will.
Physical Description: Blond hair, tan skin, blue eyes.
Height: 5'3
Personality: He's defensive and cautious, but he tends to open up around people he knows. He's used to depending on people. He doesn't question what he's told unless it's something he's not used to. He hides his emotions. He has a tendency to go into "worry overdrive" when he's stressed. He can be bitter, sometimes. He's often sarcastic. He can be surprisingly tender toward certain people.

I hope, beloved readers, that you enjoy this brand-new blog. I hope to see you soon!


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