Saturday, February 9, 2019

Phobias-- A Sad Poetry Vent

[Dystychiphobia-- the fear of hurting someone]

The words left behind a ringing silence
before they screamed back
and they left.
They are hurting and it hurts you.
You are sorry
You are sorry
You are sorry
but they are hurting
and it is hurting you.
They will not accept
an apology
or you
or lies
not anymore.
They are hurting
and it is hurting you.

[Athazagoraphobia -- the fear of being forgotten or replaced]

They say you never die until the last time your name is said.
Are you dead?
You still breathe
but nobody's said your name in a while now
and you've almost forgotten
the sound of it.
One night you practice it
lying alone in your
room, your words falling
dead across your lips
the words that you own
the words that you are
They say you never die until the last time your name is said.
You died that night.

[Thantophobia-- the fear of losing someone]
You remember it
the moment when you realize
things will never, can never
be the same.
You'll never see them again
or you'll never see them in the same way again.
They're gone.
Do you remember?
The way it feels?
Like getting punched in the gut
like everything is falling-
falling down around you-
until you're falling too
falling down
"London bridge is falling down"
like a broken music box
in your ears
until finally you hit the ground and it hurts
there's no other words for it
it just hurts.
Pick your head up
this is the first time
and it won't be the last
but you'll live
you'll live
you'll live
and rise again

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